Friday, April 26, 2013

Amazing Egg Salad Sandwich

So, as usual, I was watching Rachel Ray and she made a BLT egg salad sandwich that sounded amazing, so I made my own.

I mixed together in my little food processor 1 hard boiled egg, 1 Tbsp mayo (olive oil kind), 1 Tbsp yellow mustard, and 1/2 an avocado. I put half of this on my Sara Lee 45 calorie whole grain bread with a slice of pepper jack, some black pepper, and a handful of spinach.

So stinkin good! About 323 calories as shown (and the filling makes 2 hearty or 3 small sandwiches). You could easily add bacon, tomatoe, zucchini, peppers, onion... whatever you like! This as a BLT would be a great dinner this summer!!! With some homemade baked sweet potato chips!
AND this has 9 grams of fiber. 25-30 a day minimum is recommended for us women, so this and a bowl of 1 serving fiber 1 chocolate cereal (amazing by the way, and 9 grams) has you at 18 grams before noon! Wow!!!

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