Thursday, January 31, 2013

Carb Free Dinner

I have heard time and again to not have carbs after 3, or 2, or 12... But dinner always had pasta or rice or bread. Until now! I have been learning to make more veggie and protein based meals. Including cauliflower crust pizza! Tonight I tried something new and ALL FOUR of us ate our dinner! Everyone loved it! So here goes: (I don't really measure, I make stuff up as I go so I'm guessing low on measurements and you may need more than I say)

2 baked chicken breasts diced
1 baked acorn squash - after baked I scooped out pulp with a spoon in chunks
About 1 cup uncooked broccoli
1/4c chopped onion
4 garlic cloves chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
3 carrots chopped

I tossed the veggies in the olive oil until heated, added 1/2 veggie bouillon cube and a cup of water with about 1 tsp of Italian seasoning. I added the chicken and reduced heat to med-low to steam the broc and carrots some (maybe 1-2 min). I added a few pieces of fresh cilantro and turned off heat. Served as is. So yummy!!!

If you are like me and get hungry before bed with these meals, I drink water all evening and have 1/2 an apple if needed. I'm getting used to it now that I don't need the apple very often.

Let's Get Started

So I am not a health nut, but I have been trying to eat healthy, make it good, and make it fast. I have 2 very active kids that make it hard to be a chef. I am also on a budget, so I used a lot of bulk items and leftovers. I am going to post what I come up with in hopes to inspire myself, and maybe some other busy mom's in my life.
This week I have been on a bell pepper kick. I got a big bag of multicolored peppers cheap at Costco. I sliced up one of each color and put them in a baggy so I'm ready to go. They ran out today so I can pull out some more whole ones and get them ready. I found mushrooms and fresh spinach on sale, which are favorites, so I have lots of those in my cooking too. I always have canned fruits, beans, and veggies on hand for variation and budget. I also love juicing. Kale was cheap today and I mixed it with beets and celery and a few apples and put it all in an empty juice container so it's ready to make smoothies or just drink the next couple days. I also buy stuff in bulk and section and freeze it to help. Some items, like onions, you need to cut before you freeze because they will be mushy when thawed, but still taste good.

To get us started, I had yummy tostadas for lunch. I found a bag of crunchy corn tortillas for a buck. I sautéed mushrooms, garlic, peppers, some leftover ham, yellow squash, black bean and corn salsa, all in olive oil. When almost done a put some spinach in and let in cook down a little. I put it on the tostada and topped with a little cheese. So good!!! And about 100-150 calories each, depending on what you include, and it's chocked full of nutrients. Not wanting crunch? When all is cooked, put over medium heat and add 2 eggs or 1/3 cup egg whites and let cook. Easy to make extras to have on stand by.
In the fridge I have a large water bottle with 2 lemon slices I filled last night before bed so I have cold and flavored water to drink!
I have to figure out how to post pictures from my phone, but those will come soon. Please comment with ideas to share! :)